Hier findet Ihr die Zusammenfassung des YamJam zu Delve:
Quelle: ITPronetwork
„Delve YamJam Summary
Overview: On September 10, 2014, Microsoft hosted the Delve YamJam to discuss Yammer adoption and best practices. Microsoft team members, MVPs, Yammer admins and experts, and even first time Yammerers joined in to chat about a range of enterprise social topics. Read the notes below for a summary of what we discussed, and next time, tune in to the live YamJam!
PLEASE NOTE: This information is accurate as of September 2014. There is no need to download this summary, as we will have more YamJams in the future. We will update this living document after each YamJam.
Key Resources for Delve
– Announcing Delve [Blog]
– What is Office Delve?
– Introducing Office Delve [Video]
– Powered by Office Graph [Video]
– How to turn on First Release
– Who can see my documents in Office Delve?
YamJam Contents
– Integration
– General Questions and Fuctionality
– Privacy
– Future Plans
– APIs
– Help/Support Issues
Q: Not all content (file types) are included in Delve. Any plans for extending the list of file types, and/or list of content sources?
A: We are working on increasing the content types supported by Delve. We started with an initial list of Office document types and signals, but we will expand these over time.
Q: Is Yammer data included in Delve?
A: The Yammer integration is not available yet, but it is coming soon.
Q: Do you have plan to return Yammer conversations in any form as Delve results
A: Delve is a content centric search & discovery experience. We are actively working on showing the Yammer conversations tied to documents in Delve. We’ll be getting that out to you as quickly as possible
Q: Any plans for adding calendar data?
A: While it isn’t currently available, calendar information is certainly important for having a quality „presented to me“ view. We are very excited about the potential of that scenario and are continuing to work on it.
General Questions and Functionality
Q: How do users get Delve early?
A: Office 365 administrators can opt-in to receive significant service updates upon first release rather than standard release by logging into Office 365 and adjusting their service settings. More information on First Release is available here.
Q: How does Microsoft release products?
A: All Office 365 features take time to roll out, often due to the diligence we take so that if there are any issues that arise the impact is limited – we can pull back and slow down if needed. Like any roll out across numerous farms – it does take time. With the Public Roadmap (www.Office.com/roadmap), we’re are increasing awareness about when features are being developed, when they are being rolled out, and when they are completely rolled out. First Release does help get to be first in line, but the full worldwide roll out to all O365 users/tenants is something we aim to make smooth and fast. This is often measured in weeks and months so as not to introduce new features with any negative effects.
Q: When will everyone else get Delve?
A: Delve will roll out to Office 365 customers in phases, first to customers that have elected to receive significant Office 365 service updates at first release. Then Delve will roll out to all Office 365 customers over several months in standard release, the default option for Office 365 customers. We expect it to roll out to all eligible Office 365 customers by early 2015. For the Office 365 Business Essentials, Business Premium, Small Business, Small Business Premium and Midsize Business customers, first release rollout will begin in January 2015.
Q: Will Delve just get „rolled out“ or do you turn it on with some admin control?
A: We will have tenant and user level settings for opting in/out of Delve.
Q: Will admins be able to turn Delve on/off for individual users?
A: Today we have user/tenant level opt-in and just like Yammer we are looking to amplify the network effect in helping people connect with information/content. Having more granular control limits this cultural change…
Q: Is there a way to limit Delve deployment to some user groups in the company?
A: Same as answer above. There are user/tenant level options where you can opt-in or out. For more info about this, check out this documentation: https://support.office.com/Article/Delve-for-Office-365-admins-54f87a42-15a4-44b4-9df0-d36287d9531b
Q: Is it going to be possible to restrict some content types to be not shown in Delve?
A: Currently, it is not possible to exclude content types, but that is an interesting idea. Add it to the #featurerequest group!
Q: Will Delve analyze historic data (examples: people you have emailed with in the past, or docs you uploaded last month) or will it just use signals starting now?
A: Yes, people you’ve corresponded with and content that you’ve modified earlier will be leveraged by Office Graph for deriving insights that power Delve.
Q: How fresh is the content crawled and presented in Delve?
A: We try to crawl as fast as possible! Delve is a search driven experience so content needs to be in the search index to be surfaced in Delve and through the Office Graph APIs. When I presented at SharePoint Conference we shared that 95% of the time we have content in the index within an hour of it being added or modified. We are working super hard to decrease our crawling latency!
Q: Is there any way to control how often Delve Searches for Content?
A: At the moment, it works behind the scenes. But SharePoint Online is always crawling your content and putting it in the search index. We try to crawl your content as soon as it’s modified.
Q: How does Delve in O365 work out what people should appear on the left pane?
A: Delve picks up signals from documents that you are sharing and that are shared with you. Over time the more you interact with people, the more likely they will appear on the left side.
Q: Will the Delve be changed for local languages?
A: No, the name will remain as Delve across worldwide markets.
Q: Is Delve the official replacement of „My tasks“ in My site?
A: The ‚my tasks‘ view is still there! I expect that we’ll work with the Project team to make tasks even between with Office Graph technologies!
Q: Will Delve work in a hybrid scenario using my On-Premises SharePoint?
A: We don’t have a timeline for this, but there will be a lot of partner opportunities in this space. Also with working with the APIs.
Q: Is Delve going to work with Office 365 ProPlus client or only Office online?
A: Delve requires Office 365 E1-E4 (and the corresponding Government and Academic plans).
Q: Will Delve be available to SharePoint Online ONLY customers? Or do they have to be using Exchange and Lync in Office 365 plans?
A: Check out the FAQ at the end of this blog . Delve is really a suite-wide experience… here is another good resource: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office-365-suite-features.aspx
Q: Will you provide some PowerBI Dashboards to get some details about the content provided by delve?
A: You can look query the Office graph: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/dn783218(v=office.15).aspx
Q: What kind of feedback is Delve receiving from end users?
A: They like that they don’t have to do anything differently to get value out of Delve. They get the value right away, since the signals and content are already being analyzed behind the scenes.
Q: Does Delve honor the security permissions and RMS settings so that only content the user could already see is shared?
A: Yes, Delve does NOT change permissions and it respects existing permissions by inheriting those from the underlying content sources such as OneDrive for Business and SharePoint Online. You’ll only be able to search and discover content you already have access to. For example if you’re viewing someone else’s person page, you will only see content you have access to. Likewise, if someone views you, they will only see the content that they have access to. Please check this page for more information.
Q: If a user has permission to access a document/list item but the library/list is excluded from search in list settings will the content still display in Delve?
A: Nope, Delve uses the same permissions for search.
Q: Are private email contents from Outlook being tagged & shared via Delve?
A: Nope, Delve using the signals from Exchange to improve your personal relevancy. Your communications are never used for insights for others to discover.
Q: Are the Exchange signals referring to email relationships (i.e. who the recipients and senders are)?
A: Yes, Office Graph uses those signals to determine relevancy profiles per each user.
Q: Is there a way to block certain content? For example, we don’t see our co-workers trends in HR searches or sensitive documents.
A: Not at the moment, but Delve does not show who has viewed documents. Delve relies on the search index, so excluding a file or directory from the search index will exclude it from Delve as well. Learn more here: https://support.office.com/Article/Who-can-see-my-documents-f5f409a2-37ed-4452-8f61-681e5e1836f3
Delve only shows if someone modified a document (which is already available in document libraries and team sites). Delve does NOT show who viewed a document. If many of your colleagues view a document, Delve says several of your colleagues have viewed this document, but never their names. Learn about who can view your documents here: https://support.office.com/Article/Who-can-see-my-documents-f5f409a2-37ed-4452-8f61-681e5e1836f3
Future Plans:
Q: When will the Windows 8 app be available?
A: We’re starting with the web experience since it’s the most deeply integrated into the Office 365 suite, but plan to release apps to multiple platforms in the future. We are leaning more towards mobile devices first, though.
Q: Any Android / Apple Apps in the pipeline for Delve?
A: Yes to both, and not just a smaller view of Delve. It is responsive now to a degree, more responsiveness to be built in very soon, and then apps approach to follow. Ideally, we’d like to hit on a mobile browser each month and check the progress.
Q: During the SPC14 Demo, Delve had Trending Tags. Is this feature planned?
A: Yes, the tags will be coming in the near future. At the moment, if you visit somebody’s view in Delve, you’ll see the “Trending” content around that person. Keep in mind, this is not related to the recent retirement of Tags and Notes in SharePoint Online discussed here: https://support.office.com/Article/SharePoint-Online-Tags-Notes-feature-retired-77851bd5-6d5e-42fe-9bf6-d7c17eeb771f?ui=en-US&rs=en-US&ad=US
Q: Will Delve/Office Graph be available for SharePoint 2013 (On-Prem)?
A: We are looking to provide hybrid hooks to on-prem for Office Graph soon, this is a top priority on our roadmap.
Q: Will there be demo scripts and content to highlight the use of Delve with tenants deployed via MicrosoftOfficeDemos.com?
A: Yes we will deliver demo scripts and content packs to deliver amazing Delve demos! These will soon be available to all partners via their Microsoft Partner Network to Live ID mapping.
Q: Will Delve be able to „delve“ into Microsoft Dynamics contact data too? That way we can match up information from contacts with other documentation in SharePoint or perhaps email attachments in Outlook?
A: That would be a great extensibility scenario with the API’s we will provide eventually.
Delve APIs
Is the Office Graph API available for development? Is their API documentation?
A: We are working on API’s and hoping to have them available in the near future, we expect to have 3 sets of API’s. Graph Query Language, Content, Signal Push to Office Graph. We already have a preview version of the GQL available and it does have documentation on MSDN, but keep in mind this just a preview API and will become more robust in the future. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/dn783218(v=office.15).aspx
Q: FAST had the possibility to fine-tune crawling and indexing, and so did SharePoint 2013 (altough the possibilities were more limited). Will it be possible to alter or tune the behavior of the crawling algorithm or ranking model via API to suit different needs?
A: Yes, if we think of the API’s that will be available in the future, we would like to have weighted and additional properties for the content and signal push APIs.
Help/Support Issues
Q: Is there any place where we can view known issues or bugs?
A: You can view known Office 365 issues here: http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/office365-suite-help/office-365-known-issues-HA102919011.aspx
Q: The link to help documentation from Delve is not working. Solution?
A: We are currently experiencing some localization issues with some of the Help pages but the team is working on them. They should be available in the non-US pages soon…stay tuned on that.
Q: I have turned on First Release but when I click on Delve in suite-nav it still says access denied
A: Please wait up-to 48 hours after you have turned on First Release. If the issues still exists, please reach out to support we can better assist you.
Q: Document previews do not show up in IE9. Any suggestions other than a browser upgrade?
A: We’re aware of this problem and working on a solution, it should be available soon.
Q: I have seen colleagues, with strange people and even crawler accounts presented as top 5 people. Is the algorithm working as you expect it to do?
A: We’re aware of the issue and it should be fixed soon. Please feel free to report any other issues.“