Am 13. November 2021 öffnen die Collabdays Lisbon wieder ihre Türen, diesmal virtuell. Ich freue mich auch dieses Mal wieder dabei zu sein und mit euch über ein spannendes Thema zu sprechen. Also meldet euch an!
Insider Risk Management Session
Enterprise Compliance: Insider Risk Management in Microsoft 365 from the field
According to several statistics, including Bitkom, the greatest risks for compliance violations come from people within the company. These people are angry, have just quit, have personal ties to the competition or have been persuaded by social engineering. To minimize these dangers, which can endanger the existence of the own company, Microsoft offers an Insider Risk Management, which can be supplemented with further tools from Microsoft Azure. In this session we will look at the risks, requirements and solutions in Microsoft 365 including the best practices from practice.