Ich bin immer auf der Suche nach Material von Microsoft im Bereich Security & Compliance. Nun bin ich im Rahmen der Tech Community zu diesem Material für den SharePoint und OneDrive gefunden. Dies wird in Zukunft auch in mein Whitepaper mit der Produktgruppe Eingang finden. Aber ich möchte euch diese Sammlung nicht vorenthalten:
Securing your content in the new world of work with SharePoint and OneDrive
Microsoft Ignite 2017 – Announcements and Resources
Microsoft Ignite Recording – Security you can trust, control you can count on with SharePoint and OneDrive
Microsoft Ignite Recording – Learn how SharePoint Online safeguards your data in the cloud
Microsoft Ignite Recording – Quickly find what’s relevant and reduce risk with intelligent eDiscovery in Office 365
Microsoft Ignite Recording – Office 365 and GPPR
eBook – Securing your content in the new world of work with SharePoint and OneDrive
Visual Interactive – Share with confidence with SharePoint and OneDrive
Accelerate your GDPR Compliance Journey
Information Protection for GDPR
Safeguard individual privacy with the Microsoft Cloud
Data Sovereignty
Multi-Geo Capabilities in SharePoint and OneDrive
File Security
SharePoint SharePoint and OneDrive Files
Site Security and Permissions
Understanding permission levels in SharePoint
Isolation and Permissions for SharePoint Team Sites
Introducing Multi-Geo capabilities in Office 365 and how to configure them
SharePoint Security and Compliance Updates
New admin controls for SharePoint and OneDrive for Business
Respond to GDPR Data Subject Requests with confidence in Office 365
Link: https://resources.techcommunity.microsoft.com/security-compliance-and-administration/