Vor einige Tagen habe ich eine gute Zusammenstellung auf TechNet gefunden. Diese möchte ich euch natürlich nicht vorenthalten. Ladet euch die aktuelle aus Juni stammendes Paket herunter:
20,6 MB voller Themen und Informationen:
- Auditing and Reporting in Office 365
- Controlling Access to Office 365 and Protecting Content on Devices
- Data Resiliency in Office 365
- Defending the Microsoft Cloud Against Denial-of-Service Attacks
- Encryption in the Microsoft Cloud
- File Security in Microsoft SharePoint and OneDrive for Business
- How Microsoft thwarts phishing attempts with Office 365
- Office 365 – Data Retention, Deletion, and Destruction
- Office 365 Administrative Access Controls
- Office 365 helps secure Microsoft from modern phishing campaigns
- Office 365 Security Incident Management
- Protecting files in the cloud with Azure Information Protection
- Security and Compliance with Exchange Online
- Take Control of Your Data Protection and Compliance Posture with New Microsoft Compliance Solutions
- Tenant Isolation in Office 365