Exchange Online: Neuerungen bei freigegebene Postfächern

Freigegebene Postfächer werden in Office 365/Exchange Online und auch OnPremises für vielfältige Aufgaben eingesetzt. Ich habe ebenso mehrere Postfächer im Einsatz, sei es z.B. für die Office 365 Konferenz Ende 2018, so dass alle Emails in ein Postfach mit mehreren Personen mit Zugriff verschoben wird. Aber schauen wir uns die Neuerungen an:

50GB -> 100 GB Fehler?

Die Standardgröße der freigegebenen und Ressourcenpostfächer in Exchange Online liegt bei 50GB. Dies ist auch in der Dokumentation so festgeschrieben. Nun hat Microsoft die Standardgröße auf 100GB erhöht, auch wenn keine Lizenz zugewiesen wurde, die eigentlich vorgeschrieben ist.

Ab Ende Juli

Nun wird das Bereitstellungssystem in Exchange Online angepasst und auch die Dokumentation. Das neue Erstellungsverhalten für gemeinsam genutzte oder Ressourcenpostfächer (beginnend Ende Juli) beträgt gemäß der Dokumentation standardmäßig 50 GB. Wenn ihr ein gemeinsames Postfach mit mehr als 50 GB benötigen, muss eine Exchange Online Plan 2-Lizenz zugewiesen werden es. Sobald eine Lizenz zugewiesen wurde, sollte die Größe des Postfachs schnell auf 100 GB (die entsprechende Größe für ein Exchange Online Plan 2-Benutzerpostfach) erhöht werden. Wenn dies nicht passiert, muss der Support eingeschaltet werden.


Siehe Q&A -> 

“When the 50GB shared mailbox creation correction goes into effect, will all the already created unlicensed shared mailboxes with a default size of 100GB be automatically switched to 50GB?

No, not automatically; but they could revert to 50GB under certain situations, read on to understand these scenarios.

When would a currently unlicensed shared mailbox lose its existing 100GB status?

Changing the state of the license on the mailbox will apply the corrected 50GB default state. If license on the mailbox is changed, the 100GB status for that mailbox will be irreversibly lost and to increase the mailbox size back to 100GB, an appropriate license will be required.

I currently have an unlicensed 100GB shared mailbox with 80GB of data and I need archiving for it. What will happen if I assign the Exchange Online Archiving license?

Any change to the licensing state of the shared mailbox will make the shared mailbox lose its 100GB status. In other words – even assigning the Archiving license only to a currently unlicensed shared mailbox will change the mailbox quota to 50GB and an Exchange Online Plan 2 license (or equivalent) will be needed to increase the mailbox size to 100GB. In this scenario, if you wanted to assign an Archiving license, you would also need to assign at least an Exchange Plan 2 license.

When this change goes into effect, let’s say I have an 80GB user mailbox and want to convert it to a shared mailbox. What will happen?

When mailbox conversion happens, the currently assigned license will stay assigned on the mailbox (by default) and shared mailbox will keep sending/receiving email. If you then remove the license from this converted shared mailbox, the 50GB mailbox quota will get enforced. The mailbox size will still be 80GB, but because the mailbox will be over quota, sending and receiving of email will not work (incoming email will error with “Mailbox is full” error, code 5.2.2). Assigning the required license to the mailbox again will resolve this problem (this change might take a little bit of time). If you intend to use a shared mailbox larger than 50GB actively, we recommend that you keep the license assigned after conversion so there are no work disruptions. You are also able to leverage Inactive Mailboxes if you just need to keep mailbox data around in inactive state.

If I have a user mailbox that is under 50GB in size and convert it to a shared mailbox – what will happen?

When mailbox conversion happens, the license will stay assigned on the mailbox (by default). If you remove the license, the mailbox will still be available for sending and receiving email because the size of the converted shared mailbox is under 50GB and shared mailboxes under 50GB do not require a license. If the size of this shared mailbox goes over 50GB, you will need to add a license to it (to increase its size to 100GB) or remove some email from it (to stay under the 50GB).

If I have a shared mailbox that is approaching 50GB and need it to be larger, what should I do?

Simply assign it an Exchange Online Plan 2 license; you do not need to do anything else. Shared mailbox size will be increased to 100GB automatically within 15 minutes.

Licensing change already went into effect. I just converted a 50GB unlicensed shared mailbox into a user mailbox and now I have a 50GB user mailbox. What’s going on?

When you convert an unlicensed mailbox from shared to user (using Exchange Admin Center, for example), the resultant mailbox will be an unlicensed user mailbox (because the starting shared mailbox did not have a license). This mailbox is not ‘attached’ to an account as there is no license assigned. When the license is assigned to the user, the mailbox will be re-attached to the account and its size will be set according to the license that was assigned to it. So, if you assign a license that gives the user a 100GB mailbox, the mailbox size will be increased to 100GB. Reminder: without a license, such an ‘unattached’ mailbox will be deleted after 30 days (as it does today).

I have an 80GB shared mailbox on-premises and I need to migrate it to Exchange Online. What should I do?

Because the target Exchange Online shared mailbox needs to be larger than the default (unlicensed) 50GB size, the shared mailbox cloud MailUser object needs to be licensed before migration is attempted. Otherwise, the migration attempt will immediately fail with the “Mailbox size exceeds target quota” error. Once the Exchange Online Plan 2 license is assigned, migration can be started.”



