weltweite Windows Insider Dev Tour macht Station in Köln

An 28 Stationen weltweit mach die Windows Insider Dev Tour ihre Aufwartung. Im DACH Raum organisiert die Windows Insider Community Deutschland mit Christian Waha und Raphael Köllner diese Tour.  Also kommt vorbei und erlebt einen Tag die BUILD Konferenz bei euch in der Nähe. Es wird viele aufredende Sessions und Demos geben und ihr erhaltet die Möglichkeit die Neuerungen Life von hervorragenden Sprechern zu erleben.





Zeit Titel Beschreibung Sprecher
8:30 Uhr Eintritt Registrierung und Ankommen der BesucherInnen  Orgateam
9:00 Uhr Keynote Keynote – learn about all the exciting new Microsoft development technologies!  

Sprache: en

Level: 200

Martin   (Microsoft)
10:00 Pause kurze Pause
10:15 Modernize your Existing Apps for Windows 10

Millions of developers have been relying on Win32, WPF and WinForms to build complex applications, and millions of new projects are created using these same technologies today. UWP is a great technology to build new modern applications on Windows 10 but rewriting an application from scratch is always a tough decision. In this session you’ll learn how you can keep your existing assets, leverage MSIX for safer and reliable deployment, start adding modern features and controls to your applications at your own pace to leverage the power of Windows 10 and make your users more productive today.

Sprache: de

Level: 300


Windows Insider MVP

11:00 Get the Most Out of your Web App With a PWA

As web developers, we have used JavaScript /HTML to develop fantastic apps of all kinds, but until recently there has been a divide between what can be done with a web app and a native app. A new class of apps called Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) is helping bridge that gap by enabling extremely native-like features in our Web Apps: offline functionality, background activity, native API layers and even app store listings. We’ll show you how Web developers can take their code meant for the browser, and extend it to become cross-platform, Progressive Web Apps

Sprache: de

Level: 300

Malte Lantin 


12:00 Mittagessen Es wird ein gutes Mittagessen gereicht  
13:00 Azure Security

In dieser Session zeigt euch Thomas, wie ihr ein Azure Backend für eure Anwendungen baut und dieses absichert. Er wird über Architekturen und das Azure Security Center sprechen und es demonstrieren.

Sprache: de

Level: 200


Azure MVP

13:45 Create Productive Apps with Office 365 Office 365 provides the core creative tools for over 120 million monthly active users — and while there are many amazing capabilities within it, you can dramatically increase the effectiveness and productivity of users by tailoring the apps to roles or tasks. From deep web extensions across Office products to new ways to extend conversations in Microsoft Teams, see key ways to make your users more productive and effective by integrating with Office 365.

Sprache: de

Level: 200


Office Server and Services MVP

14:30 Drive User Engagement Across All your Devices with Microsoft Graph Learn how you can build experiences that work for users across Windows, iOS, Android, and more. Microsoft Graph enables smart contextual experiences, user insights, and advanced features like pick up where you left off and timeline integration. Microsoft Graph is the intelligence that can connect your applications.

Sprache: de

Level: 200


Office Server and Services MVP

15:15-15:30 Pause PAUSE  
15:30 Uhr Get Started with Machine Learning Machine Learning has moved out of the lab and into production systems. Understanding how to work with this technology is one of the essential skills for developers today. In this session, you will learn the basics of machine learning, how to use existing models and services in your apps, and how to get started with creating your own simple models.

Sprache: de

Level: 400

Alexander Galkin

Microsoft ML Engineer

16:30 Build Mixed Reality Apps Virtual and Augmented Reality have incredible potential to enhance how we work, play and learn. The Windows Mixed Reality platform combines AR and VR into a single API set for developers and provides maximum reach by making spatial computing available to mainstream devices. In this session you will learn how to build a highly immersive mixed reality experience, using Unity, that can run on multiple devices. Malte Lantin (Microsoft)
Raphael Köllner (Industrial Holographics / MVP)
17:30 Uhr Q&A Ask all your questions! alle Sprecher
18:00  ENDE    


Update 22.05.2018